
  • Crew's Dalgona Coffee

    Crew's Dalgona Coffee
    What is Dalgona coffee? Dalgona coffee is essentially whipped coffee, made from equal parts of sugar, water and instant coffee. It has been the trend of 2020, with everyone having to be stuck in quarantine at home. This coffee is super easy, and by pairing it with our cold brew coffee concentrates, it reduces the sweetness of the Dalgona coffee while balancing the coffee aroma.
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  • Crew's Dirty Sloppy Latte

    Crew's Dirty Sloppy Latte

    Days you just want to be sloppy, lazy, and just in bed. But why should that stop you from enjoying the finest things in life? Proper rest makes you an even stronger person after. Treat yourself with our very own dirty, sloppy latte.

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  • Tiramisu with Baileys

    Tiramisu with Baileys
    We have finally released our first ever dessert recipe — Tiramisu with Baileys! This requires minimal whisking (although using a stand mixer would save you some strength), mixing it with a whisk is also good! We loved this tiramisu recipe and it’s super easy to make with our coffee concentrates.
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  • Crew’s Dino Latte

    Crew’s Dino Latte
    Our adult twist from our favourite childhood drink — the Milo dinosaur! If you haven’t heard of the Milo dinosaur, it’s an iced malt drink (Milo), topped with heaps of Milo powder. It may sound weird to many, but the clumps of milo powder on top of the drink makes Milo a lot more exciting!
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